The Rock Dwayne Johnson Body Workout And Diet


Date of birth : 2 May 1972, Hayward, California, USA

Birth Name : Dwayne Douglas Johnson

Nickname : People's Champion
                  The Brahma Bull
                  The Great One
                  The Rock

Height : 6 '4


Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born in Hayward, California, May 2, 1972 to Rocky Johnson and Ata Johnson.

Growing up, Dwayne traveled extensively with his parents and saw his father perform in the ring.

The Rock Dwayne Johnson Body
During his high school years, Dwayne began playing football and he soon received a scholarship from the University of Miami where he had great success as a football player.

In 1995, Dwayne suffered a back injury that cost him a place in the NFL. He then signed a 3-year contract with the Canadian League but left after a year to pursue a career in wrestling.

He made ​​his debut in the fight against MUA under the name Flex kavanah where he won the tag team championship with Brett Sawyer.


The Rock workout uses a pyramid structure . You start with a higher amount of repetitions and a smaller amount of weight.
Then each week you increase the weight and decrease reps. Then, you add weight each week.
After the first month , you begin to return to more reps, but his time with a higher starting weight .
The day weapons training Rock is on high reps for the pump.

 Dwayne Johnsons  Muscle Building Workout Routine :-
Day 1 - shoulders
Day 2 - Back
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Arms
Day 5 - Chest
Day 1 - shoulders

Day 1: -
Military Press Seated - 3 sets of 20 repetitions
Dumbbell Front Raise - 3 sets 8 reps
Rear Delt Cable Raise - 5 sets of 12 to 10 reps
Hammer Stength MD - 5 sets of 12 to 10 reps
Four Way Neck Machine - 4 sets of 12 repetitions

Day 2 - Back: -
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 5 sets 12-10 reps
Close Grip Lat Pull Down - 5 sets 12-10 reps
One Arm Seated Row Machine - 4 sets of 12 repetitions
Back Extension - 4 sets 12-10 reps

The Rock Body Workout

Day 3 - Legs : -
Leg Press - 4 sets 220-18
Smith Machine Lunge - 4 sets 8 reps per leg
Lying Leg Curl - 4 sets 12-10
Standing Calf Raise - 6 sets 16 reps

Day 4 - Arms : -
Alternating Dumbbell Curl - 5 sets 12-10
Preacher Curl Machine - 6 sets 12-10
Triceps Extension Cable - 5 sets 12-10
Overhead Cable Extension - 4 sets of 12 -10

Day 5 - Chest: -
Incline Dumbbell Press - 5 sets 12-10
Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets 12 -10
Cable - 4 sets x 12 reps
Push ups - 4 sets of 15 reps
Abs are made twice a week - Weighted Swiss ball
Crunches , 4 sets of 20 reps .


The diet of Dwayne Johnson is a strict criterion, which helps to strengthen his physical condition.
Johnson totally avoid fried and fast foods . Although like pizza , burger and drink a lot so it takes time to time.
The diet of Dwayne Johnson includes 6 meals a day that are rich in protein diet , carbohydrates and all things nutritious .
The result was lower metabolism . That all changed when coach Billy Beck kept the body of The Rock fed up with a meal following an average of 500 calories a framework , six times a day.
The ideal meal is a combination of lean protein, starchy and fibrous vegetables .

1 meal :-
  10 oz cod
  2 whole eggs
The Rock Body Workout Diet
  2 cups oatmeal
2 meals :-
  12 oz sweet potato
  1 cup of vegetables
3 meals :-
  8 oz chicken
  2 cups white rice
  1 cup of vegetables
4 meals :-
  8 oz cod
  2 cups rice
  1 cup of vegetables
  1 tablespoon of fish oil
5 meals :-
  8 oz steak
  12 oz baked potato
  spinach salad
6 meals :-
  8 oz cod
  2 cups rice
7 meals :-
  25 grams of casein          protein
   8 egg white omelet
   1 cup vegetables
1 tablespoon of fish oil omega -3

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