Randy Orton Body Workout And Diet

Birthday : April 1, 1980 Knoxville, Tennessee , USA
Birth Name : Randall Keith Orton
Nickname : The Legend Killer
The Man of Destiny
dream killer
Height : 6 '4
Born 1 April 1980 in Knoxville, Tennessee, Randal " Randy" Keith Orton is the son of wrestler "Cowboy" Bob Orton and his wife , Elaine .
From the beginning , his father warned of the dangers of the fight , and tried to convince him to stay away from the industry , saying that the fight needed to be away from one 's family.
After high school , Orton enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps , but was dishonorable after a year.
Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice , Private First Class Orton was tried and convicted under a special court-martial and was put into a military prison for 38 days .
In 2000, Orton made his wrestling debut in the Mid- Missouri Wrestling Association - Southern Illinois Conference Wrestling , where he was trained by the wrestlers Ron Powers , Gary Jackson , Mark Bland, Jeremy Lightfoot .

Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Back / Biceps
Day 5: Rest
Randy Orton do three different exercises for each body part and 5 different exercises for legs.
Every 3 weeks Randy Orton spend exercises, so that the muscle plateau.
chest :
Incline dumbbell bench press
Overs crossover cable
Flat barbell bench press
Decline push ups
Flat bench flies
Back :
row seats
Lines T- bar
An armed ranks

Side elevations, front, side and rear
dumbbell press
Standing barbell push- press
Standing barbell curls
preacher curls
hammer curls
An armed concentration
Triceps :
Skull Crushers
Closing gripping bench
push downs
legs :
Free squats (no weight , 100 reps, pushing the heel)
Leg extensions
Leg loops slots

Feeding Randy is clever in the way it organizes different food groups to improve the way your body metabolizes food. He usually eats a protein, low carbohydrate diet .
He supports 250 grams of protein per day and receives more than half of this protein from protein shakes and other legal supplements.
Its naturally occurring protein comes from meat, milk, cheese and eggs.
Believe it or not, he also loves sushi . Randy avoids opting for processed carbohydrates naturally occurring carbohydrates.
Randy is clever in the way it organizes different food groups to improve the way your body metabolizes food. He usually eats a protein, low carbohydrate diet .
Excited take protein powder and meal replacement bars as a source of protein.
Randy Orton believes in eating late at night, but avoids carbohydrates, usually after 20 hours
He eats egg whites , chicken , cottage cheese , fish , which is an excellent source of protein.
This young champion takes carbohydrates as potatoes, oatmeal and pancakes.
But he tries to maintain a low level of carbohydrates.
Unlike other professional wrestlers , he never , never junk food.